15 Aug 2019 New publication: From real to virtual embodied performance – a case study between dance and technology. ISEA 2019
Moura, João Martinho; Barros, Né; Ferreira-Lopes, Paulo (2019). From real to virtual embodied performance – a case study between dance and technology. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art – ISEA 2019 ‘Lux Aeterna’. Park, J; Nam, J.; Park J.W. (Eds). p370-377.
Gwangju, Republic of Korea.
ISBN: 979-11-87275-06-0
Book chapter
Research conducted at School of Arts, CITAR, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Balleteatro, Porto.
[ISEA 2019 Conference] | [Artwork] | [ResearchGate] | [Video] | [PDF]

CO:LATERAL (Né Barros and João Martinho Moura, 2016)
Co:Lateral is an artistic project that aims to explore the means offered by digital technologies in performance. We conceptualized, developed and implemented a digital artifact, resulting in a digital performance based on the structure of realities born of a body and its double in movement. In this project, authors carried out a research and experimentation process in close collaboration with a contemporary dance company, in order to design the relation between real and virtual body and extend it in a relationship of intimacy with interactive virtual reality. The performative discourse that resulted from this dialogue allows a poetic impulse that evokes moments of the death of the swan immersed in an immaterial space of light and projection: a phantom of a dance file that now returns to a reality of illusory imprisonment. We will make a general introduction to digital art and interactivity, introducing the concept of digital performance and its contextualization in digital and contemporary art.